How to Archive Email Newsletters on your Site

Some websites like to keep an archive of every newsletter that they have sent for prosperity or historical record. Some additional steps are required when publishing an email newsletter for this to happen and this article explains how. Basically the trick is to give your newsletter page (in Klixo) a dated filename before you send it, and to change the filename everytime you start writing a new newsletter. This procedure not only applies to email newsletters, it also works for any web page that you would like archived in this manner.

NB: Klixo plans to introduce an automatic archiving feature that make this process a lot easier, it is currently on our long list of planned enhancements. Please contact us and let us know if this feature would be useful to you.

Before you start this procedure

  • Log in to Klixo
  • You should already have published a newsletter before

Before you start writing each newsletter

  1. Click on "Pages" on the Klixo toolbar
  2. Locate your newsletter Page and click View Page. The Newsletter Page will load in a new browser tab or window.
  3. Copy the webpage address (URL). This is the address of the last archived newsletter and you will need to record this somewhere. The obvious place to record it is on your website, for example on a "Newsletter Archives" page, or at the bottom of your "News" page (if you have one).
  4. Go back to Pages and locate the Newsletter Page again. This time click "Email", this will take you to the Email Publications page
    1. If there are any publications listed here, Delete them.
    2. Go back to Pages
  5. Locate your newsletter Page and click Settings
  6. Change the Filename of your Page to a filename that has the date of the new newsletter in it. 
    Examples:. "newsletter_august_2008.html" or "newsletter_20080812.html"
  7. Click Save
  8. Locate the Page that you have just saved and click "Email"
  9. Click "New Publication" to create a new Email Publication for your new Newsletter.

Now you can create or edit the newsletter stories for your new newsletter. When yo1u save a Story, the newsletter Page will automatically be published using the new filename. Be sure to follow this procedure again next time you are ready to publish a new newsletter.


Q. Where is my old newsletter archived?

A. Each newsletter is archived at its own URL, for example if you published a newsletter every two months in 2008, the addresses would be "newsletter_january_2008.html", "newsletter_march_2008.html", and so on.

Q. I've forgotten where I archived my old newsletter!

A. Try searching for it in Google, using the site: search function.

Q. Can I change the text in an archived newsletter?

A. Not using this method of archiving, no. There is another method that you can use for archiving newsletters, but it requires you to keep every newsletter story you have ever published in Klixo (i.e., you never delete the newsletter stories). For many websites this is not a practical option.

Q. Why do I have to delete and re-create the Email publication?

A. An Email publication is specific to the filename of a Page. When you change the filename of the Page, the old Publication will no longer work.

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