The Klixo Subscription Engine


A description of the APIs (Application Programming Interface) and DOM (Document Object Model) available to web service developers for the programming of email subscription services with the Klixo Web Service.

The Klixo Web Service offers a powerful API for managing individual subscriptions to the Email Newsletters (Publications) that are managed using the Klixo Website Manager. Klixo offers a default response for requests made to the subscription service, but some websites may choose to customise the presentation of the response from the subscription engine with an XSL Template. This article describes the API used to query the service, and the DOM of the XML response.

Subscribe API - XML RPC

Description: Queries the service to get the subscription status of Email Lists for a given Website and Email Address


Method:    GET or POST


  • website - the URL of the website as set in the Website Settings
  • email - the email address of the subscriber
  • save - a passthrough parameter used to indicate that the settings have been saved
  • xml - when this value equals "true" an XML response will be returned instead of the default HTML response

Subscribe Save API - XML RPC

Description:    Saves the subscription status of a given Email address for the given ListIDs


Method:    GET or POST


  • WebsiteID - the Klixo ID of the Web site for the email lists
  • Email - the email address of the subscriber
  • ListID - A list of ListIDs to take action on separated by commas.
  • Action{ListID} - The Action for the given ListID. The service will perform a subscription action for all ListIDs unless this parameter exists with the value "UNSUBSCRIBE"
  • xml - when this value equals "true" an XML response will be returned instead of the default HTML response


- document
    - websites
        - recordset
            + row
    - lists
        - recordset
            + row

Document Element Attributes:

The Klixo ID for the Website

The website parameter, passed through from the request parameter

The email parameter, passed through from the request parameter

Any messages from the web service, e.g. "Invalid Email Address"

The Save parameter, passed through from the request parameter. After Subscribe Save has been called, this parameter will equal "Save".

Websites Row:

- WebsiteDescription
The name of the web site

- WebsiteURL
The URL of the web site

- WebsiteDescription2
A description of the web site

Lists Row

- ListID
The Klixo ID for the List record

- ListName
The name of the List

- ListDescription
A description for the List

- From Address
The email address of the owner of the list that is used as the From address for the email

- Advertise
When not 0 (zero), this list may be advertised to the public for subscription

- Subscribed
When not 0 (zero), the email address set in the "email" parameter is subscribed to the list


Contact for example XSL and XML documents.

Email your .xsl document to for implementation in the Klixo Web Service

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