Managing Subscribers with incorrect details

Occasionally we will forward you an enquiry form from your website that has failed to be delivered to your inbox because the email address supplied is incorrect. If a user subscribes to your mailing list with an incorrect email address, when you send out your newsletter the email will not be delivered to their inbox. Follow these steps to stop this from happening:

  • Un-subscribe the broken email address from your mailing list or lists
    • See the Managing Mailing Lists article for tips on doing this
    • If the email address is subscribed to more that one list you can select more that one email list when un-subscribing.
  • Usually when a user supplies an incorrect email address the error can be obvious, for example
  • If you can resolve the email address to a proper working email address you can then re-subscribe the user to your email lists or list.
    • NOTE - if a user has subscribed to your newsletter using a competition entry form it is best to resubscribe them using the same method, this will allow their details to be in the database correctly - for example their name and email address.
    • If this is the case, fill in the form using the details in the email forwarded to you.
  • In some cases users when subscribing or entering a competition can subscribe to multiple email lists - in the forwarded email these will only show up as multiple IDs in the "klxListID" field.
    • The klxListID will be a four digit number
    • To determine which list the ID is for Login to the Klixo Website Manager and click on the subscriptions link for any email address
    • You can modify the URL with your ID number to change the page to display the correct list and subscribe or un-subscribe the user from their. For example the link will look like:{WebsiteID}&ListID={klxListID}
    • You can get the name of the list from doing this and then subscribe the user to the correct lists when using the form.

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