Posting stories to Klixo

Using the Story Edit API

You can post a story to the Klixo Story Editor using an HTML form.

Method: POST

 - or -

WebsiteID*: Compulsory. The WebsiteID of the website to create the story on

StoryID*: Compulsory. "0" will create a new story. Pass a valid StoryID if you wish to modify an existing story

StoryEditorMode*: Compulsory. Must = "Basic"

LinkURL: A fully qualified URL to be saved as the Story Link. Max 500 chars.

StoryName: The Story Title. Max 100 chars.

StoryDescription: The Description field for the story. Max 500 chars.

FirstDate: The Start Date for the story in the format dd-MMM-yyyy, e.g. 16-Apr-2006.

LastDate: The End Date for the story in the format dd-MMM-yyyy, e.g. 16-Apr-2006.

ChannelName: A name of a Channel to save this story in. You may specify as many Channel Names as you wish in this format: ChannelName=Home&ChannelName=News&...

If the Channel Name does not exist or is invalid, it will be ignored. Max 500 chars.

StoryHTML: The Story Body HTML for the Story that will be saved against the story record. This is provided for backwards compatibility, the "Story Body" custom field should be used instead or as well.

FieldName: The name of the custom field to update. You may specify as many Custom Field Names as you wish in this format: FieldName=Phone&FieldName=Address&...

Klixo will look for a matching FieldValue for each FieldName; the FieldValues must be specified in the same order as the FieldValues.

If the Field Name does not exist or is invalid, it will be ignored. Max 50 chars per Field Name.

FieldValue: The value of the custom field to update. You may specify as many Custom Field Values as you wish in this format: FieldValue=07-307-1234&FieldName=123%20Four%20St&...

Posted fields will be replaced in the Story Editor and will be highlighted yellow. Fields that are not posted will be left as-is.

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